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About Lentiamo

Lentiamo.co.uk is an online optician selling glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses. The company was founded in the Czech Republic and is run by a group of dedicated people who are enthusiastic about eye care and eyewear excellent products and great customer service.

Our range of products includes prescription glasses and non-prescription glasses, blue light glasses, sunglasses and dioptric and non-dioptric contact lenses, coloured lenses, contact lens solutions, eye drops and other eye care accessories.

The shop includes brands such as Acuvue, SofLens, PureVision and manufacturers such as Alcon, CooperVision and Bausch & Lomb amongst others.

Who is Lentiamo.co.uk and where is it located

Lentiamo.co.uk is the brand and trade name and registered trade mark of Lentiamo s.r.o., with VAT no: GB241435728 which operates in 17 EU countries.

The parent company behind Lentiamo.co.uk is Lentiamo s.r.o., which has its headquarters in Vídeňská 12, 378 33, in Nová Bystřice, Czech Republic. The company was established on April 28, 2006, registered in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in České Budějovice. The e-shop itself was launched two years later, in 2008. Lentiamo s.r.o., is a limited liability company whose registered capital is CZK 500,000.

The founders were entrepreneurs, Vlastimil Vávrů and Martin Bláha.

In the Czech Republic, Lentiamo.co.uk operates as Lentiamo.cz (formerly VašeČočky.cz) which was the first e-shop and currently has more than 4500 pick-up points. Gradually, the company expanded its e-shops to other countries.

Europe is our home

We served our first customers in 2008. Today we are amongst the biggest sellers of glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses in Europe and you can find us in 17 countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland.

Customer satisfaction

We are one of the biggest sellers of eyewear and contacts in Europe but we never forget the secret of our success: it’s you, our customers, who rule our world. Everything we do, we do for you. Thanks to you, we have processed over 1 million orders in the past years. We have borrowed our motto from Mr. Bata, who said: “Our customer – our master”. Thousands of real satisfied customers prove that.