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SofLens Natural Colors (2 lenses)

based on 89 reviews

This product has been discontinued. We are selling the remaining units we still have in stock.

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SofLens Natural Colors reviews:
95 % based on 89 reviews

Great product

Translated from bg:

Страхотен продукт
The colour of the lenses is gorgeous, but one of the lenses came bent and dry stuck to the foil....and it stings my eye, I feel it scratches my eye and I can see in the mist when I put it on my eye, although I put it in the solution to moisturise it...
Later edit: my order has been replaced with a conforming product, thank you.

Translated from ro:

Culoarea lentilelor este superbă, însă una din lentile a venit indoita și uscată lipita de folie....și mă ustura ochiul, simt că zgârie ochiul și văd în ceata când o pun la ochi, desi am pus-o în soluție sa se hidrateze...
Later edit: mi-a fost înlocuită comanda cu un produs conform, mulțumesc.
The colour of the lenses is gorgeous, but one of the lenses came bent and dry stuck to the foil....and it stings my eye, I feel it scratches my eye and I can see in the mist when I put it on my eye, although I put it in the solution to moisturise....

Translated from ro:

Culoarea lentilelor este superbă, însă una din lentile a venit indoita și uscată lipita de folie....și mă ustura ochiul, simt că zgârie ochiul și văd în ceata când o pun la ochi, desi am pus-o în soluție sa se hidrateze....
The colour of the contact lenses is gorgeous, but one of the lenses came bent and dry stuck to the film....and it stings my eye, I feel it scratching my eye and I can see in the mist when I put it on my eye, although I put it in the solution to moisturise....

Translated from ro:

Culoarea lenților este superbă, însă una din lentile a venit indoita și uscată lipita de folie....și mă ustura ochiul, simt că zgârie ochiul și văd în ceata când o pun la ochi, desi am pus-o în soluție sa se hidrateze....
Good price and good quality

Translated from bg:

Добра цена и добро качество
The lenses,I ordered,were what I expected.The website has helped customers very well with pictures,for customer convenience and online purchasing!

Translated from bg:

Лещите,които поръчах,бяха това,което очаквах.В сайта много добре са помогнали на клиентите със снимков материал,за удобство на клиента и онлайн закупуване!
Thank you, all is well and would recommend to all
I don't know i buy it for my friend at bulgaria because there you can not find it
Excellent for brown eyes.

Details of SofLens Natural Colors (2 lenses)

SofLens Natural Colors are cosmetic coloured contact lenses from Bausch & Lomb that can be worn either occasionally for up to three months, or for one month when used daily. Available in the following colours: Amazon, Aquamarine, Emerald, India, Indigo, Jade, Pacific, Platinum, Topaz, Dark Hazel. 

Soflens Natural Colors contact lenses have been discontinued. The only versions available are the ones currently in stock.

Customers who bought these lenses also bought Solunate Multi-Purpose 400 ml with case.

This is a medical device. Read instructions before use.

Bold colours, natural coloured contact lenses, or wild lenses for Halloween? Find out which coloured lenses are best for you!

Amazon, Aquamarine, Dark Hazel, Emerald, Indigo, Jade, Pacific, Platinum, Topaz


Expiration: At least 24 months
Material: Polymacon
Easy handling tint: No
Extended wear: No
Water content: 38.6 %
Oxygen transmissibility: 14 Dk/t
UV filter: No
Silicone hydrogel: No
Inside-out indicator: No
Lenses in a box: 2
Diameter: 14.0
Base curve: 8.7
Center thickness: 0.06 mm
Weight: 19 g

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  • snezhana



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